Terms & Conditions

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X

Mission and Guidelines

Last revised 30th August 2023.

We operate a platform that allows users to share their experiences and opinions about businesses, including yours. It is important to emphasize that our platform is not legally responsible for the content of the reviews posted by users, thanks to the protections provided by the Consumer Review Fairness Act (CRFA) and Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. These laws shield us from liability for the content that users create and share on our platform.

The CRFA ensures that businesses cannot use form contracts to prevent or penalize customers for sharing their honest reviews. This law allows consumers to share their honest opinions about a business’s products, services, or conduct in any forum, including our platform.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act provides us with immunity from claims based on content that our users create and share. It is crucial to understand that this protection applies to us as a platform, and we are not required to moderate or control the content of the reviews posted by users.

We encourage you to engage with your customers by responding directly to reviews. This can help address concerns, provide clarifications, or offer solutions to any issues raised. We value your presence on our platform and your active participation in maintaining a constructive and transparent dialogue with your customers.

Legal Disclaimer

All information is provided by visitors of Fr8Brokers411.com or is found through other sources such as, but not limited to, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s website, Carrier 411, Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook.

 Neither Fr8Brokers411.com, its employees, agents, successors, and/or assigns, make any warranties, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy and completeness, or usefulness of any information contained or represent that use of this information would not infringe other third party rights.

 Fr8Brokers411.com shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or inconsequential damages to the user, or a third party arising from use of this information. In providing this information, Fr8Brokers411.com does not assume any liability as a result of the use or misuse of the information.

 By your use of this information, you recognize and agree to hold Fr8Brokers411.com harmless from any liability as a result of your using this information, materials, products or services listed. Fr8Brokers411.com reserves the right to change any information without prior notice.

Our Purpose: At Fr8Brokers411, our commitment lies in fostering positive global change. We achieve this by providing you with a robust, all-encompassing review platform. Here, you wield the ability to share experiences, uncover insights, and engage with businesses to contribute to their growth.

Your Role: We kindly request your adherence to these guidelines (in conjunction with our Terms of Use). Through this collaboration, you contribute to maintaining Fr8Brokers411 as a trustworthy space that benefits all participants. Your participation is integral – together, we elevate our collective experience.

Writing Reviews: Feel free to draft a review if you’ve encountered a recent, genuine experience.

However, abstain from writing reviews when a company has offered you incentives. These incentives encompass discounts, monetary rewards, loyalty points, gifts, coupons, and referral bonuses. Such practices undermine the credibility of reviews. If incentives are received, kindly report them.

Reviews provide you with a platform to convey experiences and offer insights to businesses, regardless of their size. Whether it’s a quick phone call, an online transaction, an in-person visit, or any interaction involving a company’s products or services, your perspective is valuable.

To ensure relevance, focus on experiences from the past 12 months. While anecdotes about past experiences are captivating, recent encounters provide readers with a glimpse into a company’s current operations. Companies also gain pertinent, up-to-date feedback. Learn more about eligibility criteria for writing reviews and timing.

Authenticity in Reviews: Steer clear of crafting fictitious or biased reviews. Each individual’s unique perspective is valued. If you have affiliations, employment ties, or competition with a particular company, kindly refrain from reviewing it.

Never accept incentives for creating, altering, or deleting reviews.

Documenting Your Experience: Hold onto records that validate your interaction with a company. These could include receipts, order confirmations, or screenshots of online customer service conversations. Verification might be requested.

Respectful Interaction: Respectful conduct is expected on our platform. Please abstain from sharing harmful, hateful, discriminatory, defamatory, or explicit content. Likewise, avoid falsehoods, bullying, blackmail, threats, or any illegal activities.

For guidance on crafting exceptional reviews, refer to our tips.

Defamation and Content: Determining defamation can be intricate. While we encourage sharing narratives, we also strive to prevent unwarranted harm to reputations or significant financial impact on businesses. Potent reviews convey events, enabling readers to form their own conclusions. Fr8Brokers411 serves as a platform for consumer reviews, not as a regulatory entity or legal body.

Steer Clear of Promotions: Maintain the relevance of your reviews; omit promotional references, marketing materials, or links. Our platform isn’t intended for sales pitches, discount code distribution, formation of action groups, or personal connections.

Protecting Privacy: Given the public nature of reviews, exercise caution in disclosing sensitive or personal information, whether yours or others’. Safeguard privacy and respect personal safety.

Accurate Identification of Companies: Ensure that your review corresponds accurately with the appropriate company and country domain. Double-check to avoid posting on the wrong profile.

User Account Integrity: A legitimate user account is necessary for submitting reviews. Ensure your username, profile description, and image accurately reflect your identity. Impersonation, harmful content, discrimination, defamation, or obscenity are not acceptable. Creating multiple accounts or violating guidelines can lead to account deletion. Maintain a valid, permanent email address for communication.

Editing and Removing Reviews: Reviews belong to you; edit, update, or delete them as needed. Enhance existing reviews with additional context. While multiple reviews for a single business are acceptable, excessive submissions can be counterproductive.

Flagging Reviews: Assist in safeguarding our platform by flagging problematic reviews, supported by relevant evidence. Flag reviews only if you genuinely believe an issue exists, and remain impartial and consistent. Flagged content undergoes review to assess compliance with our guidelines.

Content Adherence: While we value freedom of expression, certain content breaches our standards. If a review is flagged, it may be temporarily hidden while we request modifications. Genuine reviews aligned with our guidelines can remain on Fr8Brokers411. Misuse of our platform can result in review removal, account suspension, or deletion. Suspicious or fraudulent reviews will be removed by our software.

Guidelines Adaptability: These guidelines function as foundational principles. Fr8Brokers411 holds the ultimate authority in interpreting and implementing them, with the flexibility to update as needed. For more comprehensive insights into our practices, please explore our Support Center.

Terms of Use

Terms of Use for Consumers
Effective from May 2023
(Version 5.0)

Fr8Brokers411 is a publicly accessible online review platform designed to facilitate trust-building and collaboration between businesses and consumers. It is an open platform that promotes transparency, is free to use, and welcomes participation from all users.

In the context of this document, "our platform" refers to the review platform hosted at Fr8Brokers411.com, including any sub-domains, sub-directories, related platforms, websites, or mobile applications provided by us.

Prior to engaging with our platform, we kindly request that you carefully review and understand these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "terms"). These terms outline the expectations we have for your usage of the platform and what you can anticipate from us. These terms also encompass the following policies, guidelines, and regulations, which are also applicable to your interactions with our platform:

Our Privacy Policy, which explains the collection and handling of data when using our platform (refer to section 12 for more details).
Our Guidelines for Reviewers, which provide insights into appropriate and inappropriate platform usage (refer to section 5 for more details).
Our policies, operational rules, and codes found on legal.Fr8Brokers411.com ("policies") (refer to section 5 for more details).
Whether you're using Fr8Brokers411 to simply browse and search for businesses or reviews, or you're planning to submit reviews yourself, it is essential to acknowledge and accept these terms to establish clarity regarding your legal rights and responsibilities. Your ongoing access to and use of our platform are contingent upon your agreement with these terms. Therefore, if you do not concur or cannot abide by these terms at any point, refraining from accessing or utilizing our platform is imperative. To reiterate, your utilization of our platform in any capacity signifies your adherence to these terms.

Your acceptance of these terms is indicated by undertaking one or more of the following actions: (a) browsing, accessing, searching, submitting reviews, or engaging with our platform in any manner; or (b) selecting a checkbox or button, or providing any other affirmative confirmation of your agreement to these terms.

It's noteworthy that terms or phrases enclosed in "quotation marks" retain the same meaning whenever they are employed in these terms.

Membership and Use of Fr8Brokers411
The following section elucidates the procedure for accessing and using our platform.

"You" and "Fr8Brokers411": When referencing "you" or "your," we are addressing the individual who is browsing, accessing, searching, submitting reviews, or otherwise engaging with our platform. "Fr8Brokers411," "we," "our," or "us" refers to the specific Fr8Brokers411 entity that you establish a contractual relationship with under these terms, contingent upon your geographic location. For details on the Fr8Brokers411 entity you are contracting with, please consult the "Our Contracting Entities and Governing Law" section (section 26) within these terms.
Third-Party Offerings: Our platform might incorporate, present, or link to third-party technologies, products, and/or services. It is important to note that we do not endorse or guarantee these third-party offerings, and we do not assume liability for them. Compatibility with your browser, network, or device configuration cannot be guaranteed.
User Account: To post reviews, comment on reviews, like or report reviews, and perform other actions on our platform (excluding browsing), it is necessary to create a user account. Each user is allowed only one user account, which is non-transferable. The account creation process involves signing in using your Facebook or Google account, or utilizing your email address and the verification code we provide. Occasionally, your account may be automatically generated with your name, such as when responding to a review invitation after a purchase or using a service, or upon signing up through Facebook.
Selecting a username for your account is mandatory, which will be visible when you contribute reviews, comments, or other user-generated content. Your username allows others to identify you. It is important to avoid including:

Content that is harmful, discriminatory, defamatory, hateful, obscene, or illegal.
Terms like "Guest," "Admin," ".dk," or ".com," among others.
Elements associated with other individuals or entities, including names other than your own.
You are solely responsible for controlling access to your user account. For instance:

You must not share your login information, including your email and verification code, with others.
If you suspect unauthorized use of your account, notify us immediately through the provided contact form.
Ensure that your user account information, including your email address, remains accurate and updated.
All activities related to your user account, including reviews, comments, and user-generated content, are your responsibility.
You can also opt to verify your identity by following the simple steps outlined on our platform, which involve selecting a photo ID, taking a photo of the chosen ID, and taking a selfie. This information is securely managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Your Responsibilities: When utilizing our platform, you are required to adhere to the following guidelines:
Use our platform in alignment with these terms, our Guidelines for Reviewers, and our policies.
You must be at least 18 years old.
Do not compromise the security or integrity of our platform.
Abstain from using our platform in a manner that could disrupt its functionality or obstruct others' usage.
Do not introduce viruses or malicious code onto our platform.
Abstain from generating or uploading fake reviews, which are reviews that inaccurately represent a genuine business service or purchasing experience, or reviews intended to manipulate consumer perceptions or unfairly target specific businesses.
Refrain from engaging in deceptive, offensive, illegal, or infringing behavior, or anything that violates our Guidelines for Reviewers and policies.
Do not modify, replicate, extract source code, or engage in any form of reverse engineering of our platform.
Treat Fr8Brokers411 employees, partners, customers, and other platform users with respect; abusive behavior is not tolerated.
Do not employ our platform for marketing purposes, whether self-promotion or advertising services, products, or businesses.
Do not utilize our platform to create or offer services or features that compete with our platform's offerings.
Adherence to Guidelines and Policies: While using our platform, it is mandatory to respect and abide by our Guidelines for Reviewers and policies. We retain the right to update and modify these guidelines and policies without prior notice. Any revisions will be applicable immediately, requiring no additional confirmation or action on your part.
Ownership of Platform Elements: We possess ownership over all content within our platform, except for content owned by external parties, such as reviews submitted to our platform (refer to section 7). Our ownership extends to design, compilation, appearance, and branding elements, including logos, graphics, and trademarks (collectively referred to as "our brand"). Unauthorized use of our brand or platform content is prohibited, unless expressly authorized by us.
Ownership of User-Generated Content: Any user-generated content you create, submit, or transmit through our platform is your responsibility. You affirm that you possess the requisite permissions to create and employ such content. Unless removed by us due to violations of our Guidelines for Reviewers or removed by you, your user-generated content remains publicly accessible on our platform and third-party services indefinitely.
Fr8Brokers411's Rights Regarding User-Generated Content: By contributing, submitting, posting, or displaying user-generated content on our platform, you grant us a comprehensive license to use, modify, publish, and display this content globally and without restrictions, without necessitating compensation to you. You also acknowledge that this license empowers us to share your user-generated content with other entities and individuals, including customers, for purposes such as syndication, distribution, promotion, or publication. Moreover, you grant us the right to take legal action against any unauthorized use of your user-generated content. This includes the ability to initiate copyright infringement proceedings against those who employ your content without proper authorization.
Feedback Usage: Your feedback, ideas, and suggestions regarding our platform are valuable to us. By sharing such input, you grant us permission to use, quote, or reference this feedback as we see fit. This includes incorporating feedback into our operations and communications without any compensation to you.
Support and Problem Resolution: If you encounter issues, our Help Center offers articles that can assist with most situations. If further assistance is required, our support team can be reached using the provided contact form.
Impartiality and Authenticity: We encourage the use of our platform to share, explore, learn about, and engage with featured businesses. It is essential to provide truthful, unbiased reviews and user-generated content that adheres to our Guidelines for Reviewers.
Privacy and Data Usage
This section delineates the manner in which data is collected and managed when using our platform.

Personal Data Handling: The collection and handling of your personal data, pertaining to your use of our platform, are conducted in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Confidential Information
We emphasize the importance of safeguarding confidential information.

Confidentiality: While engaging with our platform, you may share confidential information with us or gain access to confidential information related to us. Both parties commit to implementing reasonable measures to protect each other's confidential information from unauthorized access, except in cases where sharing such information with our affiliates or providing feedback is required.
Termination and Suspension
The following section clarifies circumstances under which your platform access may be suspended or terminated.

Our Rights: We reserve the right to immediately suspend or terminate your user account or filter user-generated content in the event of any breach or perceived breach of these terms, our Guidelines for Reviewers, or our policies.
Your Rights: You retain the option to delete your user account at any time. Deleting your account results in the removal of your ability to post reviews on our platform, and all your reviews will be erased from the platform.
Disclaimer and Liability
This segment outlines the allocation of responsibilities and liabilities between you and us, necessitating careful review.

Dispute Resolution
This section explains how disputes may be resolved.

Dispute Resolution: Most concerns can be resolved through direct communication. If issues persist, both parties agree to resolve claims exclusively within the jurisdiction specified in the "Our Contracting Entities and Governing Law" section (section 26) of these terms.
Administrative Details
Consider the following administrative aspects.

Changes to Terms: These terms are subject to modification without prior notice. It is your responsibility to regularly review and agree to the most recent version of these terms, as any changes take effect immediately.
Changes to Platform: We retain the right to update, modify, or suspend parts or the entirety of our platform at any time without prior notice.
Events Beyond Control: We are not accountable for any failure or delay in fulfilling our obligations under these terms due to circumstances beyond our control.
Contact Information: For communication purposes, please direct inquiries to our support team using the provided contact form.
Language: While certain materials may be available in languages other than English, communications and notices under these terms must be in English. In the case of translations, the English version takes precedence.
Enforcement of Terms: In situations where certain terms are unenforceable, the remainder of these terms remains valid.
Interpretation: Terms like "include," "like," and "for example" do not signify limitations, and any discretionary actions are carried out at our sole discretion.
Contracting Entities and Governing Law: These terms and related disputes are governed by the laws of the relevant Fr8Brokers411 entity based on your location. This information is detailed in the table provided in section 26. This provision applies unless your country of residence mandates the application of alternative laws and jurisdiction, particularly in relation to consumer protection laws. If you utilize the platform as a consumer, you may have the option to file claims within the Courts of your residence country. This section 26 is applicable to the greatest extent allowable in your country of residence.
Publisher and Operator: Our platform is published and operated by Fr8Brokers411 located at Lomonosov 17, Chisinau, Moldova.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy As of August 2023
We highly value your privacy and, through this policy, we outline your privacy rights and our methods for collecting, using, sharing, transferring, and storing your personal data.
Terminology References to "Fr8Brokers411," "we," "our," or "us" pertain to Fr8Brokers411 located Lomonosov 17 street, Chisinau, Moldova, responsible for processing your personal data. "Website" or "platform" collectively encompass all of Fr8Brokers411's websites and applications.
Third-Party Websites While our platform includes links to external websites, these links do not indicate our endorsement of those sites. We advise you to review the privacy policies of these third-party websites as their data collection and processing practices may differ from ours.
Open Platform Nature As an open platform, when you contribute a review, your review and Fr8Brokers411 profile become visible to platform visitors. Visitors can see your country location, all your reviews, including products, locations, and your associated images or videos. If you're a business user responding to a review about your company, your response will also be visible. Keep in mind that depending on the information you provide and your username choice, your anonymity may vary.
Personal Data Collection Personal data includes any information related to an identifiable individual. When you create a Fr8Brokers411 user account, write a review, or engage with our platform in any way, we may collect and process the following personal data:
• Contact Information: Name, email, or other provided contact details.
• Device and Location Information: IP address, browser type, language, and location.
• User Account Information: Username, password, photo, location, and preferred language.
• Business Account Information: Password, company name, domain, and additional profile details.
• Usage and Profiling Information: Search history, platform interactions, emails, and engagement.
• Review and Rating Information: Business, product, review type, content, rating, images, and review timeline.
• Views, Likes, and Usefulness Data: Readership and "useful" interactions.
• Business Account Interaction: Review replies, reported reviews, and report details.
• Verification Data: Account or domain verification information.
• Questions Asked: Business, product, question content, date, and business response.
• Data Shared via "Find Reviewer" Tool: Shared information for businesses reaching out to reviewers.
• Preferences and Communication Data: Account preferences, communications, and metadata.
• Call Recordings: Telephone call recordings for training and quality assurance.
• Social Network Data: Information from connected social media profiles.
Personal Data Collection Methods We primarily collect personal data directly from you when you create an account, write reviews, or interact with the platform. Additionally, we might receive data from third parties, such as social networks or businesses using our review invitation service. We also gather data automatically from your device, like IP addresses, location, and interaction details.
Data Controller For personal data associated with our platform, Fr8Brokers411 serves as the data controller, except for personal data collected by businesses using our review invitation service.
Personal Data Usage We use personal data to provide services, improve the platform, respond to inquiries, send newsletters, and for various internal business purposes. We process data to fulfill contracts, comply with legal obligations, and for legitimate business interests. Consent-based processing can be revoked, and you can object to data processing.
Personal Data Sharing Your reviews are shared on the platform, and your public profile displays your username, location, reviews, and more. When connecting social networks, profile information is collected from them. Reviews may be shown on search engines and other relevant sites. Personal data is also shared with data processors supporting our services.
Data Retention Data retention depends on the purpose of collection and applicable laws. Review and account data are retained for as long as you have an account, while review invitation data is kept for three years. We maintain data for security, legal compliance, and legitimate interests.
Data Security We employ technical, organizational, and administrative measures to secure personal data, but remember that the internet isn't entirely secure. We constantly improve security practices.
Cookies and Similar Technologies Cookies, pixels, and tracking codes are used to optimize, personalize, analyze, and advertise our services. Cookies are small files placed on your device, helping us understand your preferences and interactions.
Your Rights If you have a Fr8Brokers411 account, you can access, edit, download, or delete personal data from your profile. You have rights regarding your data, including access, correction, deletion, restriction, and objection. You may withdraw consent and opt out of certain data sharing.
U.S. Privacy Rights U.S. consumers have specific rights under U.S. Privacy Laws. You can opt out of certain data sharing and exercise your rights through contacting us or using dedicated tools.
Children's Information Our platform isn't aimed at children under 16, and we don't knowingly collect their data.
Changes to the Policy We may update the policy due to evolving laws, regulations, or services. We'll notify you of material changes.
Contact Us For inquiries or exercising your rights, contact our Data Protection Officer at privacy@Fr8Brokers411.com or by mail at Lomonosov 17 street, Chisinau, Moldova. You can also find more resources in our Support Center.

Business Guideline

Business Guidelines Agust, 2023

Fr8Brokers411 is committed to bolstering your journey towards excellence, expansion, and innovation. Our approach involves furnishing a robust review platform rooted in openness and cooperation, allowing you to engage with consumers and gather valuable insights. Fr8Brokers411 provides both complimentary access and subscription-based services. Our only request is that you adhere to and abide by these guidelines (in conjunction with our Terms of Use) to contribute to the upholding of Fr8Brokers411 as a dependable, collaborative, and trustworthy environment that benefits all. We appreciate your partnership in this endeavor to enhance the global experience!

• Reviewer Eligibility
Individuals who have recently engaged in a genuine interaction with your business are encouraged to share their reviews. It's important to note that an interaction is not limited to purchases; it encompasses activities such as phone conversations, online orders, in-store visits, or usage of your products/services. However, individuals with a conflict of interest, including yourself, your employees, and immediate family members, are ineligible to review your business. This also extends to refraining from reviewing competitors, thereby preserving the integrity of reviews.

• Soliciting Reviews
When seeking reviews, ensure your invitation process and language remain unbiased, impartial, and fair. Reviewers may be prompted to provide a reference number to help identify their specific experience. Offering incentives such as discounts, monetary rewards, loyalty points, gifts, coupons, referral bonuses, etc., in exchange for reviews is discouraged. Obtaining permission is necessary for collecting reviews on your business premises, and the practice of soliciting reviews using your equipment (e.g., iPads) is prohibited unless authorized by us.

• Zero Tolerance for Faux Reviews
Fabricating or soliciting fake reviews is strictly prohibited. Fr8Brokers411 maintains a stringent stance against such reviews and is dedicated to removing them.

• Unfamiliar Reviewers
Reviewers are given the liberty to select their own usernames, which may not always match your recognition. However, this should not discount their authentic recent experiences with your company. If necessary, engaging in a conversation with the reviewer can provide more insight. If this proves insufficient, you have the option to request us to verify the authenticity of the reviewer's experience.

• Conduct with Respect
We anticipate respectful engagement on our platform from all users. Kindly refrain from posting content that is harmful, discriminatory, defamatory, hateful, or obscene. Additionally, avoid disseminating falsehoods, engaging in bullying, blackmail, threats, or any form of illegal activity. Consider these tips for crafting responses to reviewers.

• Safeguarding Private Information
To uphold privacy and safety standards, abstain from sharing sensitive or personal information, including names, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, or any data that could be used for identification or impersonation purposes. If your employees choose to include their names in responses, this information is considered public.

• Handling Factual Disputes
Reviews will not be removed solely based on disagreements or perceptions of bias. We refrain from intervening in disputes regarding actual interactions between reviewers and businesses. Fr8Brokers411 operates as a consumer review platform and does not assume the role of a regulatory body or court.

• Dealing with Defamatory Content
As an intermediary between consumers and businesses, we bear the responsibility of balancing perspectives. While we promote inclusivity, we are obligated to remove content that could cause severe harm to a reputation or significant financial loss. Flag reviews that contain defamatory content, while keeping in mind that negativity does not automatically equate to defamation.

• Managing Your Business Profile
Claim and manage your business profile using a dedicated business account. Employ it for sending invitations, responding to reviewers, and reporting guideline violations. Ensure that the information displayed on your profile is accurate and free of misleading details.

• Reviewer Ownership
Reviewers retain ownership of their reviews and have the right to edit or delete them at any time. They may also compose multiple reviews based on distinct experiences. Encouraging or incentivizing reviewers to modify or delete their reviews is prohibited.

• Flagging Reviews
Though we do not actively moderate reviews, any user can flag reviews that violate guidelines. Flags can be submitted through your business account, accompanied by the appropriate reason (disliking a review is not a valid reason). We assess flagged reviews and provide reviewers the opportunity to make amendments. Reviews may be temporarily hidden during this process. Unresolved issues usually result in the review remaining offline. Ensure fair and consistent flagging, extending it to both 5-star and 1-star reviews. Your flagged reviews are publicly visible, promoting transparency. All flagging activities are also visible on your business profile.

• Navigating Limitations
While we advocate freedom of expression, certain content is deemed unacceptable. We retain the right to delete company replies that breach guidelines. Abuse or misuse of our platform can lead to access restrictions, suspension of features, consumer alerts on your profile, and even the potential termination of agreements.

• Ultimate Authority
These guidelines serve as guiding principles. Fr8Brokers411 holds the final authority in interpreting and implementing them, subject to updates. For a more comprehensive understanding of our operations, feel free to explore our Support Center.

Data Processing Agreement

Data Processing Agreement
August 2023

This document outlines the data processing agreement (“DPA”) as of August 2023, which incorporates the annex provided below. The DPA constitutes an integral component of our Terms of Use and Sale for Businesses and applies exclusively within the parameters outlined therein (refer to the Privacy and data use section).

Throughout this DPA, terms enclosed in “quotation marks” maintain consistent meanings with each instance of their use. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, terminology established within the Terms of Use and Sale for Businesses retains identical meanings within this DPA.
• “Applicable Data Protection Law” refers to all relevant laws and regulations governing Fr8Brokers411's processing of Relevant Data, as described in the Terms of Use and Sale for Businesses. This includes GDPR and any corresponding legislation, regulations, or implementations.
• “Personal Data,” “Special Categories of Personal Data,” “Controller,” and “Processor” retain definitions attributed in the GDPR.
• “Relevant Data” pertains to personal data as elaborated in the annex below.
• “Fr8Brokers411,” “we,” “us,” or “our” pertains to Fr8Brokers411.

Association between You and Fr8Brokers411

In situations where Fr8Brokers411 extends review invitation services to you, and you assume the role of a Controller concerning the Relevant Data under the GDPR, you, as the Controller, designate Fr8Brokers411 as a Processor for the processing of the aforementioned Relevant Data.
This DPA's applicability remains in effect for the duration of your engagement with our Terms of Use and Sale for Businesses or for the period during which Fr8Brokers411 processes Relevant Data on your behalf, whichever tenure proves lengthier.
3. By entering into this DPA, you instruct Fr8Brokers411 to process the Relevant Data in accordance with the stipulations presented herein, limited to the purpose elucidated in the annex below (or as mutually agreed upon in written form between you and Fr8Brokers411) (the “Purpose”). Unless mandated by EU law, EU member state law, or UK law, Fr8Brokers411 is prohibited from processing Relevant Data for purposes other than the designated Purpose, in which case Fr8Brokers411 shall inform you of the requisite processing, unless legal restrictions hinder such disclosure.

In the event that any of your instructions are deemed contrary to the Applicable Data Protection Law by Fr8Brokers411, the latter shall promptly inform you.
Presently, Fr8Brokers411 is not under the constraints of any legislation that impedes the fulfillment of this DPA. However, in the event of any foreseen changes or expected alterations, Fr8Brokers411 shall promptly notify you.
Transfer of Relevant Data
6. Fr8Brokers411 shall not transfer Relevant Data outside the geographical confines of the European Economic Area and the UK without undertaking necessary measures to ensure compliance with the Applicable Data Protection Law. These measures may encompass transferring Relevant Data to a recipient in a country acknowledged by the European Commission as offering adequate personal data protection, or to a recipient adhering to standard contractual clauses sanctioned by the European Commission.

Prohibited Data
7. You acknowledge and agree that you shall not provide Fr8Brokers411 with any Personal Data for processing unless you possess the requisite rights, permissions, or consents stipulated by the Applicable Data Protection Law, enabling Fr8Brokers411 to lawfully conduct processing activities.

8. Fr8Brokers411 shall enforce measures to ensure that any individuals authorized for Relevant Data processing adhere to a statutory obligation of confidentiality or equivalent commitment.

Security Measures
9. Fr8Brokers411 presently enforces the technical and organizational measures described in our security practices white paper for Fr8Brokers411's review invitation services.

While Fr8Brokers411 reserves the right to modify these measures, it shall continually uphold adequate technical and organizational measures to guarantee a level of security commensurate with the risk, safeguarding Relevant Data from accidental or illegal destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized access, or unauthorized processing.
Fr8Brokers411 shall also conform to other pertinent data security prerequisites mandated by law, including those specific to the country of its establishment and the location of data processing.
The appropriateness of the technical and organizational security measures shall hinge upon factors such as the prevailing technological landscape, implementation costs, and the nature, scope, context, and purpose of processing, as well as potential risks and their implications for data subjects' rights and freedoms.
Upon request, Fr8Brokers411 shall supply you with adequate information to verify its compliance with DPA obligations, encompassing the deployment of technical and organizational security measures outlined above.
14. At your expense, you have the option to engage an impartial expert (excluding Fr8Brokers411's competitors) who shall gain access to Fr8Brokers411's premises and information required for auditing DPA compliance, including the implementation of appropriate security measures.

Prior notification of at least 14 days is mandatory for access arrangement, and the appointed expert must execute a customary non-disclosure agreement with Fr8Brokers411 before access is granted. This agreement obligates the expert to uphold confidentiality of all information obtained from Fr8Brokers411 and its affiliates and restricts information sharing solely with you.
Any findings or reports emanating from the expert's audit shall be shared with Fr8Brokers411 and treated as confidential information.
Requests from Authorities
17. Fr8Brokers411 shall provide authorized authorities, possessing the right under EU law, EU member state law, or UK law, access to its physical facilities, provided adequate identity verification is presented.

In instances where an authority requests disclosure of Relevant Data, Fr8Brokers411 shall promptly notify you, unless legally restricted by EU law, EU member state law, or UK law.
Security Incidents
19. Fr8Brokers411 shall expeditiously notify you upon detection of a security breach leading to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access to Relevant Data processed by Fr8Brokers411, or any other failure to comply with obligations specified in sections 10 and 11 of this DPA.

Cooperation and Data Subjects' Rights
20. Fr8Brokers411 shall provide prompt assistance for data subject requests under Chapter III of GDPR and any other relevant Applicable Data Protection Law. However, Fr8Brokers411 shall refrain from directly responding to such requests, redirecting data subjects to you for appropriate handling.

In the event Fr8Brokers411 receives a data subject request, it shall communicate whether a review invitation email has been dispatched to the data subject on your behalf, urging them to forward their requests to you.
Fr8Brokers411 shall extend cooperation to facilitate your adherence to obligations imposed by EU law, EU member state law, or UK law concerning data processing, including assistance in data protection impact assessments mandated by articles 35 and 36 of GDPR.
Information pertinent to service provisioning may be shared with authorities, your external advisors, and auditors as required by EU law, EU member state law, or UK law.
24. Fr8Brokers411 reserves the right to involve third-party sub-processors in processing Relevant Data for the Purpose. Such sub-processors shall be subjected to data protection obligations aligning with Fr8Brokers411's obligations under this DPA. A list of current sub-processors is available here. Notification shall be provided if new sub-processors are introduced.

Your objection to any new or replacement sub-processor is admissible, contingent upon grounded and reasonable data protection concerns. In such cases, you can terminate your subscription with 14 days' notice as per section 37 of the Terms of Use and Sale for Businesses.
Fr8Brokers411 shall share a copy of data protection obligations outlined in its agreement with the sub-processor upon your request.
Fr8Brokers411 assumes responsibility for any DPA breach arising from acts, errors, or omissions of its sub-processors.
Deletion or Return of Relevant Data
28. Fr8Brokers411 will retain Relevant Data for specific durations:
• 30 days for BCC emails; and
• 3 years for all other Relevant Data.

Upon the conclusion of these periods or at your request, Fr8Brokers411 shall expeditiously return, delete, or anonymize Relevant Data, conforming to reasonable methods determined by Fr8Brokers411, unless Applicable Data Protection Law necessitates data retention.
Data Protection Officer
For queries related to data protection, contact our Data Protection Officer at: privacy@Fr8Brokers411.com

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Categories of Data Subjects
• Your consumers
Categories of Personal Data
• Name
• Email address
• Reference number (e.g., order ID)
• Additional Personal Data within order confirmation messages sent to consumers.
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Fr8Brokers411 does not intentionally process Special Categories of Personal Data unless explicitly provided within order confirmation messages, copied to Fr8Brokers411 for specific review invitation services.

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